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Writer's pictureTerrence Meyer

List of Most of Downloaded Papers in Combustion and Flame

Updated: Sep 30, 2022

The recent Combustion and Flame article entitled “On the effects of reactant stratification and wall curvature in non-premixed rotating detonation combustors” by Venkat Athmanathan and co-authors was listed as one of the most downloaded papers in the 90 days since publication in early 2022. See

This work used simultaneous MHz-rate hydroxyl planar laser-induced fluorescence (OH PLIF) and chemiluminescence to reveal the detailed detonation wave structure in an H2-air non-premixed rotation detonation engine (RDE). These data were used for detailed analysis of the effects of reactant stratification with the help of unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) simulations of the full RDE geometry. The full citation to the work is as follows: V. Athmanathan, J. Braun, Z.M. Ayers, C.A. Fugger, A.M. Webb, M.N. Slipchenko, G. Paniagua, S. Roy, and T.R. Meyer, “On the effects of reactant stratification and wall curvature in non-premixed rotating detonation combustors,” Combust. Flame 240, 112013, 2022. The work is a collaboration between Purdue University and Spectral Energies, LLC. The authors thank Dr. Paul Hsu and Dr. Naibo Jiang from Spectral Energies, LLC for assistance with the development of the MHz-rate OH-PLIF system. The authors also thank Christopher Crabtree, Bebe Wang, and Dr. Jordan Fisher for experimental assistance. Funding for equipment was provided, in part, under AFOSR Award No. FA9550-16-1-0315 (Dr. Martin Schmidt, Program Officer), DTRA Award No. HDTRA1-17-1-0031 (Dr. Jeffery Davis, Program Man- ager), and DOE Award No. DE-FE0032075 (Andrew O’Connell, Program Manager).

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